
Outsourcing is no more a concept of cost reduction; it is a reality, in fact, a strategic and essential element of growth. Offshore Outsourcing can help business enterprises in streamlining their core operations with cost effectiveness, quicker turnaround time and minimal attrition rates. Software Outsourcing has long passed the incubation stage; it is now an IT trend that has been utilized to its full potential. Many Fortune 500 companies gain access to top-notch software engineers with a significant cost advantage by outsourcing their software development projects. Offshore Software Outsourcing projects can almost double their net savings.

Given IT as the backbone of majority of businesses today, outsourcing becomes a vital ploy for companies in procuring quality services from experienced service providers on time and within budget. Devolving the non-core part of the business to an outsider or partner firm, the outsourcer can concentrate and utilize his expertise and competencies to the maximum in more relevant areas of the business. Thereby, getting closer to the desired goal of the company. But selecting the right outsourcing partner in such a bustling IT market like India, is not an easy task. And again to outsource all your jobs to one particular outsourcing service unit/vendor will not be a good idea after all.